Xavier Cross Country/Track    2005-2006 Wind suit

If you are on Cross Country, or plan to join Indoor or Outdoor Track this year, you may want to be equipped with the Team Wind suit. This year’s wind suit is made by Boathouse and includes a jacket with a full zipper and roll away hood, pants with ankle zippers, and is water resistant. The colors are Navy and Colombia Blue with the team logo on the back.

The costs will be:  $90.00 per wind suit jacket; $50.00 per wind suit pant;
(Sizes: Medium suits are generally designed for those under 5’6", Large for those from 5’7" to 5’11", and XL for those over 6’0")

If you wish to order, fill out the order form below and give it to Mr. Dormer, along with a check made out to Xavier High School, no later than Wednesday ,December 21st .

Give bottom half to Mr. Verlezza  by December 21st  .



Wind suit Size: (Circle one) M   L   XL

Name on front of jacket (print clearly): _____________________________


Payment Form: check appropriate lines

Wind suit Jacket $90.00 ________

Wind suit Pant $50.00 ________


Total $_______________ Make checks payable to Xavier High School