Here is the schedule for the Next two weeks including the Thanksgiving break.  Please make sure that you are on time for practices.  You must run on your own the days that we do not have a team practice.  I am trusting you to do what is necessary in order to ensure that we have continued success.  If you take to many days off we will not be able to accomplish the goal that we set forth at the beginning of the season. As with all breaks, your performance over this break with have an impact upon your schedule over Christmas Break.

Some important training tips: 
1- Don’t pat yourself on the back because you did “some” or most of the workouts.  A job half finished is a job unfinished.
2- Arrange your social life around your training, not the other way around.
3- If you have a busy day planned, wake up early in order to run.  Don’t sleep your break away.
4- Bad weather is no excuse not to run.  If the weather was bad and we were in school, we’d still have practice..
5- Traveling is no excuse not to run.  All you need to bring are your running shoes!
6- Team practices are planned with the assumption that you are running on your own.
7- If you train like you want to be the best, there’s a pretty decent chance you will be.

Find a way to run... not an excuse not to!


The Varsity group includes the JV and Sophomores
Friday 11/21-  Varsity Run for 1 Hour
                       Freshmen Run for 45 minutes
                       Sprint/ Jump Group Run for 40 minutes
Friday 11/21  Day Off


Saturday 11/22-Varsity Run for 70 Minutes doing the following
8 Minute warm up
12x 1 minute pick ups with 2 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
12x 30 second pick ups with 1 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
8 Minute warm down

Freshmen Run for 45 minutes doing the following
8 Minute warm up
8x 1 minute pick ups with 2 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
4x 30 second pick ups with 1 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
7 Minute warm down

Sprint/ Jump Group Run for 40 minutes doing the following
5 Minute warm up
20x 30 second pick ups with 1 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
5 Minute warm down

Saturday 11/22 Run for 45 minutes doing the following
8 Minute warm up
8x 1 minute pick ups with 2 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
4x 30 second pick ups with 1 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
7 Minute warm down
Sunday 11/23- Long slow Distance
Varsity Run for 80 Minutes
Freshmen Run for 45 minutes
Sprint/ Jump Group Run for 40 minutes
Sunday 11/23 Run for 35 minutes


Monday 11/24  Practice at Central Park Monday 11/24  Practice at Central Park
Tuesday 11/25 Practice at Armory ( it will be 200's) Tuesday 11/25 Practice at Armory ( it will be 200's)
Wednesday 11/26
Varsity Run for 1 Hour
Freshmen Run for 45 minutes
Sprint/ Jump Group Run for 20 minutes  5 sets of skips
Wednesday 11/26 Run for 35 minutes
Thursday 11/27  DAY OFF Thursday 11/27  DAY OFF
Friday 11/28 Long slow Distance
Varsity Run for 80 Minutes
Freshmen Run for 45 minutes
Sprint/ Jump Group Run for 40 minutes
Friday 11/28 Run for 45 minutes
Saturday 11/29

Varsity Run for 70 Minutes doing the following
8 Minute warm up
4 sets of the following
3 mins hard- 2 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
2 mins hard- 1 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
1 min hard- 3 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
then start the new set followed by
4x 30 second pick ups with 1 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
8 Minute warm down

Freshmen Run for 45 minutes doing the following
8 Minute warm up
2 sets of the following
3 mins hard- 2 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
2 mins hard- 1 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
1 min hard- 3 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
then start the new set followed by
4x 30 second pick ups with 1 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
9 Minute warm down

Sprint/ Jump Group Run for 40 minutes doing the following
5 Minute warm up
10x 1 Minute pick ups with 1 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
5 Minute warm down

Saturday 11/29  Run for 45 minutes doing the following
8 Minute warm up
8x 1 minute pick ups with 2 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
4x 30 second pick ups with 1 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
7 Minute warm down
Sunday 11/30
Long slow Distance
Varsity Run for 80 Minutes
Freshmen Run for 45 minutes
Sprint/ Jump Group Run for 40 minutes
Friday 11/28 Run for 40 minutes
Monday 12/1 Practice at Central Park Monday 12/1 Practice at Central Park
Friday 11/21  Lift  with Mr. Cambras after school weight room  
Saturday 11/22  Day Off  
Sunday 11/23  Day Off  
Monday 11/24 Throw in the commons with Mr. Cambras  
Tuesday 11/25  Lift  with Mr. Cambras after school weight room Throwers who are also running go to the Armory with Mr. Dormer
Wednesday 11/26  Day Off  
Thursday 11/27  Day Off  
Friday  11/28  If you can not lift do the following
  Push ups   4x20
  Sit ups  4x 20
  Jumping Jacks  100
Bicycles  4x 15


Saturday 11/29  30 Minutes of Cardo
               15 minutes  hard
               15 minutes  easy
               Either run of bike
Throwers who are also running
Run for 35 minutes doing the following
6 Minute warm up
8x 1 minute pick ups with 2 min recovery run ( at warm up pace)
5 Minute warm down
Sunday 11/30  Day Off  
Monday 11/24 Throw in the commons with Mr. Cambras