Regis Invitational at VCP 9/21/02

Frosh A Race 1.5 miles Frosh B Race  1.5 miles
McVeigh  9:39 pr* Perlata    9:24pr *
Murtaugh  10:27  pr* McLoughlin  9:59pr*
O'Brien   10:30 * Bilasz  10:30 pr*
Patti   10:37pr* Muratore  11:30 pr*
Woerner  10:41 pr* Kang   12:15 pr
Cahill  11:48 Rose   12:27
Totilo    13:22 pr Haines   12:51 pr
Creegan   15:35 Napolitano  15:21 pr
Soph Race   2.5 Miles Junior Race  2.5 miles Varsity 2.5 Miles
O'Neill   15:47 pr* Morris  16:40 pr* Batista   14:09 pr*
Hamiliton  15:55 pr* Drennan  16:54pr* Caufield 14:27 pr*
Corbo   17:32 Zaharehnios   16:56pr* LaPiedra  15:04  *
Redden  21:12 Donachie   16:59 pr* Zimm    16:31
Condon  22:13pr Giwa     18:17pr Munoz   16:53
Marshall  18:39pr Condon  16:57
Bugati   19:03pr Herron   17:00pr
Nash   19:25 Petrullo   17:41
Aquiza  21:54pr Graves   19:15
Favia   22:32pr

Medal Count:  The first meet of the year yields  18 medals.

MIP:  There were 25 pr's this weekend.  MIP award goes to the 4 juniors who ran together and broke 17 as a group.

Best Performance:  The Freshman get a nod for dominating the sectional teams ( 4 men have run sub 10:10)  John Batista deserves some recognition for a great race against some of the top comp on the east coast.

Practice this week:  Mon-Thurs:  central Park

Meet This week:    McQuaid Invitational:  Varsity, JV and Sophs( top in each group)        Rochester, NY                                                                Xavier Invitational all Others     VCP                                                           

Any questions, See one of the coaches,

                                                        Mr. Dormer 3L7